Thank you for supporting the "Emergency Support to the Jerusalem Hospitals and First Aid Respondersn" fundraising appeal.
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Dear friends, partners, and Taawon’s supporters,
We would like to express our sincere appreciation for your continued, faithful, and generous support to our projects and campaigns, and we are looking forward to your participation in our new campaign "Emergency Support to the Jerusalem Hospitals and First Aid Responders".
During the last decades, life within the old city of Jerusalem has become unbearable under occupation. In recent months, Jerusalem has witnessed a youth-led grassroots movement that rejects daily Israeli practices exercised against Jerusalemites and their legal rights to live free, in dignity within their city. The situation in Jerusalem escalated further on the first day of Ramadan 2021.
We, as Taawon, are exerting every effort possible to serve Palestinians living in Jerusalem and ensure availability of first aid and emergency services to them through supporting the needs of the emergency and first aid teams, as well as equipping the hospitals around the city receiving the injured with immediate emergency equipment.

Best regards from Taawon
for any further details or inquiries, kindly contact [email protected]
End Date